Thursday, December 26, 2019
Sonnet To My Mother by George Bake Essay - 978 Words
Sonnet To My Mother by George Baker Most near, most dear, most loved, and most far, Under the huge window where I often found her Sitting as huge as Asia, seismic with laughter, Gin and chicken helpless in her Irish hand, Irresistible as Rabelais but most tender for The lame dogs and hurt birds that surround her,- She is a procession no one can follow after But be like a little dog following a brass band. She will not glance up at the bomber or condescend To drop her gin and scuttle to a cellar, But lean on the mahogany table like a mountain Whom only faith can move, and so I send O all her faith and all my love to tell her That she will move from mourning into morning. George†¦show more content†¦His exuberant exclamation near the end of the poem, and so I send O all my faith and all my love to her...confirms the strength of these feelings. The warm, humorous, delightfully frank way Baker describes his irresistible mother in the intervening lines also convinces us of his strong attachment to her. These feelings are moreover, reinforced by the warm, playful, exuberant tone he employs throughout the poem. The sonnet form with the necessity for compression that it imposes is particularly suitable for this brief but deeply-felt tribute. In the fourteen lines, Baker provides a vivid and appealing cameo of his mother, not only her large size, but also of her habits, sense of humour, lively, enquiring mind, compassion, loud, exuberant love of life, courage and faith. In the octave of the sonnet, he accumulates vivid impressions of all these characteristics except for the most important ones, her courage and faith, which he reserves for the sestet which provides the sonnet with its point: it is these last two qualities in particular which will enable her to move from mourning to morning The poets language is mostly simple and non-poetic, in fact, generally part of everyday speech or the vernacular; this suggests the genuineness of the poets feelings. His basically simple, everyday vocabularyShow MoreRelatedCrossing the Chasm76808 Words  | 308 Pagesvocabulary to a market development problem that has given untold grief to any number of high-tech enterprises. Seeing the problem externalized in print has a sort of redemptive effect on people who have fallen prey to it in the pastâ€â€it wasn’t all my fault! Moreover, like a good book on golf, its prescriptions give great hope that just by making this or that minor adjustment perfect results are bound to follow this time we’ll make it work! And so any number of people cheerfully have told me
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Morality and Social Policy - 1205 Words
Morality and social policy According to ADDIN EN.CITE Noonan1970705Noonan (1970)7057055John T. NoonanJohn T. Noonan, JrAn Almost Absolute Value in HistoryThe Morality of Abortion: Legal and Historical Perspectives51-591970CambridgeHarvard University Press HYPERLINK l _ENREF_2 o Noonan, 1970 #705 Noonan (1970), anyone conceived by a man and a woman is human and by recognizing this fact, it is inhuman to kill the fetus despite its imperfections. He also presents the argument that by limiting humanity to exclude certain groups which comes from allowing abortion as a result of imperfections in the fetus risks creating precedence in allowing certain groups to be excluded in society. The author also states that the moral analysis conducted in his essay comes from the perception of the fetus humanity and the weighting that is given to the fetal rights against other fundamental human rights. He presents the argument that if any other human beings life should be spared despite their imperfections, the rights of fetus es should also be upheld. The author states that this can be put as a commandment in the sense that one should not injure your fellow man without reasons. He continues his argument by stating that the only condition when the humanity of the fetus can be put aside and abortion upheld as a moral decision is in self-defense. Here, the author refers to the situation where the life of the fetus must be ended in order to save the mothers life reason aloneShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Death Penalty:Social Ethics: Morality and Social Policy1737 Words  | 7 Pagesrational and just to offer aid to the innocent than â€Å"to those who are guilty of squandering aid†(Mappes, Zembaty, and DeGrazia 141). Works Cited Mappes, Thomas A., Jane S. Zembaty, and David DeGrazia. The Death Penalty. Social Ethics: Morality and Social Policy. 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012. 105-53. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Locos free essay sample
Water for Chocolate Guided Reading Worksheet January In responding to the questions, use complete sentences and support your answers with text (quotes) from the reading. 1. Who is narrating the story? 2. What happened to bring on Mama Elena’s early delivery of Tita? 3. Where was Tita born? 4. How come it was not necessary to slap Tita on the bottom at birth? 5. Why did Tita feel a deep love for the kitchen? 6. Explain what happened to Tita when she was two days old. 7. Explain the relationship between Tita and Nacha. What made their relationship special? 8. What made it possible for Nacha to nourish Tita and impossible for Mama Elena? 9. Compare and contrast Tita’s world to that of her sisters. 10. What was the reason given to prevent Tita from marrying Pedro? 11. What is the significance of the family tradition? 12. What issues does Tita bring up when she questions the family tradition? 13. What is Tita’s punishment for having a headache? 14. We will write a custom essay sample on Locos or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What is the significance of the song, â€Å"The Eyes of Youth,†that Gertrudis plays on the piano? February 15. Explain how Tita’s relationship with Mama Elena is different from her relationship with Nacha. 16. Explain and discuss the beginning of Tita’s rebellion. 17. Explain the significance of Tita’s bedspread. 18. Why does Pedro decide to marry Rosaura? What is the logic to his decision? 19. What is the significance of the color white? 20. Describe the elaborate banquet Tita prepared for Rosaura’s wedding. 21. How was Mama Elena able to obtain the French silk for Rosaura’s wedding sheet? 22. Who is the Chinaman? How was he able to become a millionaire during revolution? 23. What is your reaction to Mama Elena throwing such an elaborate wedding for Rosaura in the midst of the revolution? What conclusion can be made about Mama Elena? 24. What causes Nacha’s death? 25. How is Tita’s life similar to Nacha’s? January/February Literary Skills (Magical Realism) Magical realism is a writing style in which fantasy and reality are combined to create a fantastic image or occurrence. Example and Significance of Magical Realism: Magical Realism: â€Å"Tita was literally washed into this world on a great tide of tears that spilled over the edge of the table and flooded across the kitchen floor†(p. Significance: The quote describes an occurrence of childbirth. The author has combined the reality of childbirth with the fantasy of a baby being washed into the world on a large body of water. The deeper meaning of the quote is that Tita is born prematurely due to a sensitivity to onions which foreshadows the pain she will endure in life. An aesthetic image is created by contrasting the strong, sharp smell and taste of an onion instead of stating that Mama Elena will be cruel to Tita because she did not want her. While Mama Elena in her treatment of Tita could easily be compared to the step-mother in Cinderella, the author has used magical realism to show the cruelness in a unique way. Instruction: Read the quote below and discuss the significance of the quote. 1. Magical Realism: â€Å"That afternoon, when the uproar had subsided and the water had been dried up by the sun, Nacha swept up the residue the tears had left on the red stone floor. There was enough salt to fill a ten-pound sackâ€â€it was enough salt†¦. long time†.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Great Depression Essay Paper Example For Students
The Great Depression Essay Paper The year of 1929 began a time period of horror in America. It was thebeginning of the great depression. A time in which many lost their jobs becamehomeless, and went hungry. Many people had to live off the nutrition of weeds orsome worked fifty five hours and only earned seventy five cents. The causeof the depression was the stock market crash of 1929 known to investors as BlackTuesday. Black Tuesday is said to be the most shocking financial event in thehistory of the united states. Not only did the stock market prices dropdrastically but the business world was brought down with it. Inflation also rosebecause of the crash. The crash that occurred on October of 1929 causedAmericans to lose Thirty billion dollars and the American dollar value was 90%less than it was prior to October of 1929. Wholesale and retail food pricesdropped 40% and farm prices dropped over 60%. We will write a custom essay on The Great Depression Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now About four million families wereleft unemployed and on relief support only receiving fifteen dollars a month.Because of the crash the government was required to set new regulationsregarding stock market trade. The reason for this was to attempt to preventanother stock market crash from happening in the future. The depression broughtabout many problems not only did people have to worry about unemployment theyalso had to worry about crime. Many Americans tried to get easy money by takingpart in robberies kidnappings and murders. In 1935 criminals out numberedcarpenters four to one, grocers six to one, and doctors twenty to one. In themid west, crooks with shot guns and Tommy Gun were a common thing. In largecities the criminals were making money off of extortion prostitution and autotheft. GREAT DEPRESSION TIMELINE 1929 Herbert Hoover became president Stockmarket crash begins on October 24 investors call October 29 Black Tuesday Lossesfor the month are sixteen billion congress passes Agricultural Marketing Act tosupport farmers until they can get on their feet 1930 By February, FederalReserve cut prime interest rate 6% to 4% The smoot-Hawley Tariff passes on June17 Democrats gain in congressional elections but still dont have majority TheGNP fails 9.4% and unemployment rate climbs 3.2% to 8.7% 1931 A second bankingpanic occurs in the spring The GNP falls another 8.5% Unemployment rises to15.9% 1932 This year and next year are the worst of the depression GNP falls arecord 13.4% Unemployment falls another 23.6% Congress creates thereconstruction finance corporation Congress passes the federal home loan bankact Congress passes the glass steagall act of 1932 1933 Roosevelt inauguratedThird banking panic occurs Congress passes the Emergency Banking Bill,The farmcredit Act, and National Industrial Recovery Act 1934 Gnp rises 7.7% Unemploymentfalls 21.7% 1935 GNP rises 8.1% Unemployment falls 20.1% 1936 GNP rises 14.1%Unemployment falls to 16.9%
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