Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Nigeria cities such as Lagos Essays
Nigeria cities such as Lagos Essays Nigeria cities such as Lagos Essay Nigeria cities such as Lagos Essay Port Harcourt, Sudan and Callback grow mainly through rural-urban migration. This arbitration process has outpaced the existing urban management system. The 1996 world report on Nigeria indicated that the growth rate of urban area has increased from 20% in 1910 to 33% in 1993. It is also projected that by the year 2025, 75% of Insignias population of about 245 million persons is expected to live in towns and cities (1996 World Bank report on Nigeria). This rapidity in the rate of arbitration is so overwhelming that it nearly far exceeds the speed with which urban managers are able to respond to the dynamics of arbitration due to inadequate or lack of facilities, resources and capabilities at their disposal. The rural areas in Nigeria are environments without the basic amenities to meet psychological and physiological needs of human living. Generally, rural communities characterized by population size; distance from urban centers, isolation, relatively homogeneous culture, natural resources based economy and strong sense of local identity. In this study emphasis will be laid on the housing challenges of rural areas and the respect of a better rural development It has become critically important for a research work to be out on the challenges of rural estate development. Some of the challenges arising as a result of rapid arbitration are; urban sprawl, encroachment on conservation zone, inadequate basic infrastructure and communal facilities, inadequate energy I. E. Electricity, inadequate potable water, formation of slums, urban road transport problem, urban traffic congestion, etc. Thus, it is pertinent to ask as follows; how can the urban areas be decongest? Is it important to develop the rural areas? Will the people in the urban areas be willing to relocate to the urban areas, if developed? What amenities can be installed in the rural housing estate that will attract present urban dwellers to relocate? 1. 3 AIM AND OBJECTIVES This dissertation is aimed at studying and finding out how urban areas can be decongest by developing the housing estates in the rural areas. In order to accomplish this aim, the following objectives shall be pursued; Finding out if present urban dwellers will like to relocate to rural areas close to the urban areas if developed. Identifying the type of development people would prefer in the rural areas. Determining the importance of developing the rural areas.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Race Riots During the Red Summer of 1919
Race Riots During the Red Summer of 1919 The Red Summer of 1919 refers to a series of race riots that took place between May and October of that year. Although riots occurred in more than thirty cities throughout the U.S., the bloodiest events were in Chicago, Washington D.C., and Elaine, Arkansas. Causes of the Red Summer Race Riots Several factors came into play precipitating the riots. Labor Shortages: Industrial cities in the North and Midwest profited greatly from World War I. Yet, the factories also encountered serious labor shortages because white men were enlisting in World War I and the United States government halted immigration from Europe.The Great Migration: To fulfill these job shortages, at least 500,000 African-Americans moved from the South to Northern and Midwestern cities. African-Americans were also leaving the South to escape Jim Crow laws, segregated schools, and lack of job opportunities.Racial Strife: Working class white workers in Northern and Midwestern cities resented the presence of African-Americans, who were now competition for employment. Riots Erupt in Cities Throughout the South The first act of violence took place in Charleston, South Carolina, in May. For the next six months, riots occurred in small Southern towns such as Sylvester, Georgia and Hobson City, Alabama as well as larger northern cities such as Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Syracuse, New York. The largest riots, however, took place in Washington D.C., Chicago, and Elaine, Arkansas. Washington DC Riots Between Whites and Blacks On July 19, white men initiated a riot after hearing that a black man had been accused of rape. The men beat random African-Americans, pulling them off of streetcars and beating street pedestrians. African-Americans fought back after local police refused to intervene. For four days, African-American and white residents fought. By July 23, four whites and two African-Americans were killed in the riots. In addition, an estimated 50 people were seriously injured. The D.C. riots were especially significant because it was one of the only instances when African-Americans aggressively fought back against whites. Whites Destroy Black Homes and Businesses in Chicago The most violent of all the race riots began on July 27. A young black man visiting Lake Michigan beaches accidentally swam on the South Side, which was frequented by whites. As a result, he was stoned and drowned. After the police refused to arrest the young mans attackers, violence ensued. For 13 days, white rioters destroyed the homes and businesses of African-Americans. By the end of the riot, an estimated 1,000 African-American families were homeless, over 500 were injured and 50 people were killed. Arkansas Riot by Whites Against Sharecroppers One of the last but most intense of all the race riots began on October 1 after whites tried to disband the organization efforts of African-American sharecropper organizations. Sharecroppers were meeting to organize a union so that they could express their concerns to local planters. However, the planters opposed the workers organization and attacked African-American farmers. During the riot in Elaine, Arkansas, an estimated 100 African-Americans and five whites were killed.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Outline the factors which influence mental health in later life and Essay
Outline the factors which influence mental health in later life and consider how social workers can contribute to the promotion of mental health and well-being amongst older people AND their carers - Essay Example This is considered the age when one becomes an older person. According to the World Health Organization (2007), there are three age groups that older people can be divided into. The first group is older workers from the age of 55 to 64. The second group is older people from the age of 65 to 79 years while the third group is 80 years and above. These older age groups are the most diverse in terms of education, attitudes, family background, social background, hobbies, preferences and political attachments. There are six main factors that influence mental health. These are financial security, life span experiences, and structural factors such as housing, employment, social support and individual coping skills. The mental health of older people as well as their well-being issues in older people are unique and have a greater relevance to them. Retirement is an issue that has great relevance to people who are 60 to 80 years age (National Institute for Mental Health in England 2003). As much as it means relief from responsibilities, retirement also mean a loss of status, less social relationships and a reduced role in life. This age group also suffers from health and physical deterioration, changing the environment from moving their home, loss of financial stability and a loss of sense of belonging. People aged 80 years and above are found to increasingly lose friends, family members and their spouses (Lehtinen 2008). They use their sense of purpose in life and their functional ability deteriorates. These people constantly deal with bereavement, death and the fact that their own life is ending. Not all of those older people are the same. They have different values, life experiences, health, economic status and culture. When planning the promotion of the mental health for older people, all of these factors should be put into consideration. A person’s continuity through life gives them a positive history filled with experiences. This continuity gives a person
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Realities of Acid Rain Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Realities of Acid Rain - Research Paper Example The more acidic the compound the more likely that deposits will result in damage to property and conditions dangerous for organic life forms. Natural rainfall has a pH of 7, but the further pH levels drop below that number the more potentially harmful it will be for the environment (Eubanks, p.240). The pH level present is directly associated with the presence of sulfate oxides (SOx), nitrate oxides (NOx), and the manner in which they dictate the release of hydrogen ions. Though neither oxide type contains hydrogen, they can act as an acid anhydride, wherein an acid is generated by chemical reaction subsequent to dissolution in water. The measure of the difference between the cumulative increases these oxides create in hydrogen ion concentration and hydroxide ionic content determines the pH level and thus the degree of acidity (Casiday & Frey, n.p.). Incidents of acid rain have been proven to have a direct relationship with the burning of fossil fuels, more specifically the burning o f coal as an energy source. A complicated substance, coal can have a dynamic configuration of elements and is largely used as fuel for the production of electricity in power plants. It is signified by an approximate chemical value of C135H96O9NS, though the actual concentration of each element varies according to the organic content present during the formation process (Eubanks, p.167). The variance in any given coal type determines the energy output of a coal type produced during combustion. While these attributes are affected by a myriad of conditions and components, there are certain characteristics which remain common to all coal types. For one thing, coal is a superior fuel type of wood due the incredibly high carbon concentration paired with low levels of oxygen and water. However, when used as fuel source, the rapid oxidation which occurs during combustion releases several pollutants into the atmosphere including nitrogen and sulfur oxides (, n.p.). The atmosphe re is composed of numerous compounds and elements in gaseous and particulate forms and when nitrogen and sulfur oxides are released as fossil fuel emissions they become integrated into the mixture and the natural processes and cycles therein. IN the water cycle water vapor present in the atmosphere interacts with other gases, particles, and form precipitations which is then deposited on the surface of the Earth and into the oceans. When excess sulfur oxides are introduced into the atmosphere, the sulfur oxides SO2 and SO3, which are measured in grams reacts with water vapor, measured in liters: SO2 + H2O ? H2SO3 SO3 + H2O ? H2SO4 This reaction ultimately results in the formation of sulfurous and sulfuric acids, respectively(Cassiday & Frey, n.p.). Nitrogen oxides require the presence of oxygen to create a chemical reaction as well as water vapor, the second most plentiful gaseous component of the atmosphere, the vapor and oxides having the same scale of measurement as during the pre vious formulas: 4 NO2 + 2 H2O + O2 ? 4 HNO3 This chemical reaction produces nitric acid. Though nitric, sulfurous, and sulfuric acids to do contain hydrogen, when introduced to water molecules (and oxygen as regards nitrogen oxides) they behave as acid anhydrates, stimulating the release of hydrogen and hydroxide ions which dictate the levels of acidity in any given liquid substance. Once these reactions have taken place, the new acidic compounds are distributed through acidic precipitation as rain, hail, or snow, and may also combine and be deposited on surfaces in particulate form. According to the level of acidity present in such deposits there is a decidedly negative effect on objects and organic life
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Portlend Cancer Center Case Essay Example for Free
Portlend Cancer Center Case Essay The model calculates the NAL (or NPV) and IRR of the lease for both parties on the basis of relevant input data. The invoice price and lease rental payments must be the same for both parties, but the other input variables may be different for each party. The model also examines the differential profitability to the lessee between conventional and per procedure leases. The model consists of a complete base case analysisno changes need to be made to the existing MODEL-GENERATED DATA section. However, all values in the student version INPUT DATA section have been replaced with zeros. Thus, students must determine the appropriate input values and enter them into the model. These cells are colored red. When this is done, any error cells will be corrected and the base case solution will appear. Note that the model does not contain any risk analyses, so students will have to create their own if required by the case. Furthermore, students must create their own graphics (charts) as needed to present their results. Both instructor and student versions contains a sheet (Figure 1) that plots lessees NAL, lessors NPV, and total contract value versus the size of the lease payment.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Popularity or Education :: Philosophy of Teaching Statement
Popularity or Education As a college student you run into a few conflicts. One of the most common of these is between education, and being socially accepted. These two statuses conflict almost every hour of the day. Should I go out and drink tonight even though I have an eight o’clock class? All my friends are going to Kansas City this afternoon, and I have a class. Which should I do? These are just a few of the dilemmas a normal college student runs into. I for one was out until two o’clock in the morning the night I decided to write this paper, so I know what I’m talking about. Being a college student takes a lot of your time. Classes and studying correctly leaves little time for anything else. The average student takes about fourteen hours a week, and should probably study that same amount of time to be completely prepared. If this were done all in one day it would be acceptable. Unfortunately, classes are spread throughout the week, and studying fills the hours in between. This however is not feasible for someone having the time of their life with their peers. I have not researched the average college student on their social lives, but I can relate my own experiences. Most of the time college students have to work in order to go to school, or just live on their own. Work hours vary with each person, from eight hours a week to forty hours a week, but they also take a substantial amount of free time from a college student. This, along with classes, study time, sleeping, and eating time, leaves little or no time to make friends, or even keep them. But young adults thrive on social interaction, so therefore a struggle is bound to happen. To become socially accepted requires many things. First you must have time to mingle. This is done in many social settings, such as bars, parties, dorm rooms, and sport events. Once at these events, you must keep up interesting conversations, partake in activities, and meet new people. Once these connections have been made, they do require some upkeep. You cannot expect a good friendship to come from occasional conversations. A good friend is made by time spent together. During this time connections are made. Along with general social interaction, most students partake in extra-curricular activities. These can be Greek organizations, Residence council, Intramural sports, and various clubs.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Lady Macbeth Dairy
Hurry home so I can talk to you and keep you away from those stupid thoughts tempting you to failure. Besides, I was just told by a messenger from Macbeth, reporting that the king Is coming to my fortress tonight. The news nearly drove me to crazy because I had no preparation at all to welcome Dunce's entrance and to plan for the murder. I must be well planned since tonight would be the only chance for us to kill Duncan and grip the kingship. Come murderous thoughts! â€Å"Unsexes me here and fill me from†head to toe with â€Å"direst cruelty. †(Act l, scene v, line 40-41) Come to my female breast!Turn my mother's milk into poisonous acid. Make me feel no remorse and human compassion, which reverent me to succeed In persuading my lord. Cover the world with darkness so that no one could see my evil crime. This is my plan: Macbeth is going to greet the king with warm welcome in order to deceive all. Just leave all the preparations for me and our lives will be changed af ter tonight. Both fate and witchcraft seem to want you to be the King, my lord! Second Entry- On the eve of Dunce's murder Duncan has finally arrived at my fortress and he is having feast with Macbeth.The king shows great appreciation on our hostess and has no perception at all about the fact that his fife Is at risk. According to my plan, the king must be killed tonight and I will be the Queen of Scotland. Within my expectation, Macbeth kept finding excuses to give up the plan after the arrival of the king. He said â€Å"he hath honored me of late, and I have bought golden opinions from all sorts of people†(Act l, scene vii, line 32-33). Such a coward he is! He puts his ambition behind fame and loyalty. Apart from that, Macbeth also scared of the probability of failing.Along with his timidity, I reinforced his determination by showing defiance towards him. I asked him whether he was run or Just woken, and showed contempt about the fact that he says â€Å"l can't†aft er saying â€Å"l want to†. I told him that he will live as a coward and his behavior is not masculine at all. In addition, I told him the plan of how the deed is going to perform. With all the above threatening and defiance, my lord was persuaded to commit crime as a result. What a success it is! This is my plan: when Duncan is asleep, I will get his two guards drunk and make them into deep sleep.Without protection from anyone, we could blend In and murder the king, whilst all the blame will be laid on the two runner guards rearwards. Meanwhile, we wall De grieving loudly once we are tool the news of his death later. This would definitely be a flawless plan. Both my lord and I are ready and we will exert every muscle in our bodies to seize the throne tonight! Third Entry – After Dunce's murder The deed is done eventually. Luckily, the worries about the wake of guards and about the failure of Macbeth in finding the daggers did not happen. These will inevitably ruin our attempt if they happen.When Macbeth came back from the chamber with his bloody hands, an utterly sorry sight was shown n his face. When he was with two drunken guards, he told me that he could not reply â€Å"Amen†when they said â€Å"God bless us! â€Å". Moreover, he claimed that there is a voice keeps crying â€Å"sleep no more: Macbeth does murder sleep†(Act II, scene it, line 38-39). Macbeth was afraid of the punishment from God and the harass from supernatural. I told Macbeth that we must never think of our doings in this way since this will drive us mad. Once again, I convinced him by calling him a coward.I commanded him to get some water and wash the filthy blood from his hands. Also, I as really furious with him because he was so nervous after the murder that he took the two daggers out of the room. The daggers are the only evidences to show the guards are guilty! I asked him to put them pack, and he rejected me and told me â€Å"I'll go no more. I am afr aid to think what I have done†(Act II, scene it, line 53-54). He is even more timid than a child since only children are frightened by scary pictures. Frankly, if Duncan had not reminded me of my dead father and made me weak, I would have killed him myself.This would be better than now seeing my lord to lost is resolve. On the other hand, Macadam appeared soon after the deed had done. He was terrified by the kings death and rang the bell to wake up all the people and tell the treason. With I pretending horror and Macbeth showing sorrow, neither Macadam nor Lennox suspected on us. The two guards were killed by Macbeth. Our deeds will be covered since then and the murder will be blamed on the two dead guards. Now, Malcolm and Donaldson have fled away. My lord will be crowned in Scone. I am becoming the Queen of Scotland and I will take control of the country!
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Public Pension Replacement Rates
A social security is a program funded through the taxation of individuals pay. The taxes are deposited into various trust funds depending on the contract. Social security can not sustain all the promised benefits in future if it entirely relies on the current tax rates. This therefore implies that reforms are indispensible. This is due to the calamities that may follow the raising of taxes or a cut on benefits. Replacement income for prior earningsIncome replacement is a pledge by the employer to continue paying an employee’s salary for a given period of time incase he becomes disabled or till the employee becomes eligible to coverage from the social security. The employee in this case is faced with the peril of the employer not honoring the pledge whereas in the agreement the employer is saved the expenses that cold be incurred through the purchase of insurance policies (FirstEnergy Corp, 2010). The salary coverage goes on for a few months but the limit is six months.Causes o f Variance-Between Us and Greece Replacement Income Greece operates various schemes that have a rate of 105% on its gross replacement and 115%on its net replacement. The schemes in operations constitute of main and auxiliary social security programs. The different professions operate varying schemes and the biggest is the Insurance Institute (IKA). Most of the schemes in operation in Greece are absent in the USA. Greece adapted the euro as a national currency in 2001 as its national currency.Due to this, Greece was at liberty to borrow money at a lower interest rate. This money was also made available to its citizens and corporations, whom they borrowed at very low interest rates. The money obtained by the Greek government was use to repay debts and finance its budget. This expenditure made it possible to have a high supply of money in the economy. The US and Greece differ in terms on how their political institution are run. This is in terms of electoral levels and the government.In the US there is the issue of the majority rules while in Greece there is proportional representation. This therefore means that the people involved in making decisions do vary both in number and power. This has an impact on how the income replacement is structured and the guidelines in operations. The structure, size and redistribution of US and Greece differ greatly. Role of Greece’s Public Pension Replacement Rates on Its Debt Burden Currently Greece is being faced with a debt crisis (IMF, 2002).It is understood that very high amounts of debts were accumulated by the Greek government before the crisis struck of liquidity in the capital market. In the recent past these capital markets have become more illiquid thus making Greece to be faced with the possibility of defaulting (FirstEnergy Corp, 2010)). In responding to this problem, the Greece prime minister has emphasized repeatedly on the importance of long term reforms on the structure of Greece economy. Among these refor ms is the reform on the pension scheme.The pension scheme in operation in Greece is one of the most generous schemes in known in Europe. Evasion of contribution to the social security program is a rampant thing and the government has promised to take tremendous actions against the evaders. This will ensure that the contribution rises thus providing the government with money at its disposal to pay some of the debts it owes. The government is also contemplating on the issue of increasing the retirement age of persons from the age of 61years to 63 years.Opposing some of the mode used to calculate the pension scheme in application of five years of worked by some civil service schemes, the calculations will entirely rely on a lifetime. This will in return provide some cash to be used in offsetting debts owed by the government. A crack down on the social security programs and carrying out reforms will prevent misappropriation of funds by corrupt officials (IMF, 2002). References FirstEner gy Corp (2010). Declares Unchanged Common Stock Dividend. Mergers & Acquisitions Business pg. 271. IMF. (2002). Greece, selected issues. International Monetary Fund. 58
Friday, November 8, 2019
15 of the Best Online Writing Communities for Aspiring Authors
15 of the Best Online Writing Communities for Aspiring Authors 15 of the Best Online Writing Communities for Aspiring Authors As enjoyable and fulfilling as writing can be, the truth is that it’s often a solitary endeavor. While we might romanticize the focused artist typing away while imaginary worlds and narratives swirl inside their minds - authors know the truth: writing can get lonely. And moreover, when you’re working on a one-person project, it can be hard to remain motivated and accountable. That’s where writing communities come in.Writing communities are the perfect place to find answers to your writing questions and to discuss the ins and outs of the writing life with people who actually understand what you’re talking about.So, if you are tired of listening only to the voices in your head, take a look at our (non-exhaustive) list of top online writing communities. Which is the best writing community for you? Find out here! Top online writing communities1. Absolute Write Water CoolerWith over 68,000 members, this is a large and highly active community. Here you can find threads on every genre imaginable, as well as discussions about freelance writing, the publishing industry, pop culture, writing prompts and exercises, and much more.Perfect for: writers who are looking for a large and active community.2. AgentQuery ConnectWhile this forum will come in handy for any writer, it’s especially helpful for authors who have already completed their manuscript and are wondering what to do next. The site boasts a wealth of information on publishing topics such as querying agents, self-publishing tips, and book promotion advice.Perfect for: writers who are looking to connect with agents and learn more about the publishing industry.3. Camp NaNoWriMoIf you’ve ever wanted to go to a writer’s retreat but can’t afford it just yet, then this site might help scratch your itch. Holding online à ¢â‚¬Å"camp sessions†in April and July, Camp NaNoWriMo offers a digital space to encourage and empower writers at any point of their career. Here you can work on drafts, revisions, short stories, or any other writing project that involves word-count goals.Perfect for: writers who can’t wait until November to crack their writing goals.Do you belong to a writing community? Which one is your favorite one? Add yours in the comments below!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
6 Job Search Trends Every Job Seeker Should Know
6 Job Search Trends Every Job Seeker Should Know We’re a â€Å"what’s next?†kind of society, and that means that everything has trends- from what we wear to which social media platform just became uncool after everyone’s grandparents signed up. This applies to the job hunt, too. Some things about looking for a job are pretty evergreen- like using active verbs in your resume and dressing in your professional best for an interview- there are trends that could give you an edge. Before you convert your resume to an all-Vine format, consider these less-extreme options for joining the 2016 race.1. Emphasize skills over school.A degree is always going to be a great asset in your application package, but your resume should focus on your hard skills and experience over the school name. The educational landscape is getting more diverse all the time, with online degrees becoming more common, so brand-name schools may be less important than the overall package.2. Find your career community.Not so long ago, general job sites like Monster were all the rage, as one could find all sorts of jobs from pretty much any field. This year, try looking for communities and sites specific to your area, and take advantage of their forums, articles, and meetups to network in your own field. When you’re looking for jobs, try thinking specialized instead of general, and see what you can find.3. Be mobile.If you’re reading this on your phone, this one might not be the advice for you- you’re probably already plugged in. But if you’re still limiting your job search to sites you find on your computer, try using mobile job apps and search tools on your phone or tablet to find opportunities that might not be living in a standard web browser.4. Consider a career jump to a hot industry.In 2016, areas like healthcare (especially healthcare technology), mobile marketing and analytics, and other tech fields are growing at an incredible pace. If you’re looking for a change of pace, take a close look at jobs in those industries that might dovetail with skills you already have.5. Be flexible about work environment.This does not mean you should chase those internet ads that promise you’ll earn $80,000 a month working from home, like my sister’s cousin’s best friend’s cat. However, many companies do offer flexible work arrangements, since so many tasks and meetings can be handled easily via communications tech. A job opportunity in another state might have been a non-starter before, but these days you should take a closer look and see if you actually can live here, but work there.6. Just be flexible.It’s not just the geographic boundaries that are stretching. With companies finding new ways to meet economic challenges, you could find opportunities outside of the 9-to-5 template. That may be freelance openings that help you build relationships, or part-time jobs that help you build experience. Everything is customizable now, and why sh ould your career be any different? If you’re open to change and different ways of doing things, you may discover opportunities you didn’t notice before.2016 could be a great year. If you know which areas where you can jump on the trends and find a way to make them work for you and your professional goals, it could be a year of great changes as well.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Journalism - Media Literacies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Journalism - Media Literacies - Assignment Example In the recent, various forms of media including newspapers and magazines have covered various issues that arise from moral laxity. In the same way, televisions have been in the forefront in presenting documentaries that creates moral panic within the society. According to Baer and William (1997) the activities undertaken by the youth as well as the level of crimes have greatly contributed to the immorality and threats that are faced by members of the society. Contemporary moral panics are different from the earlier ones (Victor, 1993). For example, in the past the effects of the young people on the family values were seen as a major moral panic that undermined family values. In the contemporary world, Cohen (1980) noted that moral panics can be caused by an occurrence of any event. In the same way, he stipulates that there has been rapid succession of moral panics. This essay will argue that media has played a fundamental role in representing moral panic associated with climate chang e. Climate change has recently been represented by media with an aim of exposing the public on its role of contributing to the global warming and high temperatures that have been experienced in various parts of the world. One of the main duties of media is to mediate between the scientific approach on the climate change and the temperatures that have been recorded in various regions. Human activities that include production of electricity and combustion of fuel within the factories production facilities greatly contribute to the destruction of ozone layer thus leading to unsafe environment. In United States, English-speaking media has spearheaded the coverage of climate change as compared to media channels in other countries. Through the studies done on tabloid press in UK and US, 1995 and 2001 establishments of IPCC as far as the role of scientific consensus on climate is concerned, was not effectively covered by media. However, extensive media coverage was adopted in 2007 and in 2 009. In 2007, wide media coverage was evident from An Inconvenient Truth, a documentary that was initiated by Al-Gore as well as the fourth assessment reports that was prepared by IPCC. In 2009, wide media coverage of climate change was catapulted by the UN climate change conference and the email controversy that engulfed the Climatic Research Unit (Mike, 2009). Media and journalists have been poorly informed about climate change. As a result, members of the public have little know how about the global warming despite the fact that it is a major challenge facing the contemporary world. Due to poor reporting of scientific issues that relate to climate changes, media scholars and reporters argue that three key distortions may arise. First, instead of journalists allocating more of their time to cover scientific aspects that relate to global warming and changes in climate, they specialize in writing stories that have human-interest. Secondly, journalists fail to provide balance between reporting of climatic changes and other stories. Thirdly, lack of adequate understanding of climate changes results to making of scientific errors. It is worth to note that in order to make policies that are effective in curbing global warming and nuclear power, it is vital to make the public more informed about climate changes. This can only be achieved if media and journalis
Friday, November 1, 2019
Inventables Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Inventables - Research Paper Example Inventables Incorporation analyses the up-to-date technologies and materials from all over the world and exhibits the most appropriate items to customers on a trimestral basis. To be counted for inclusion, specimens must demonstrate fascinating properties in addition to substantial prospective for ‘technology transfer’ - the likelihood to be employed in a business that they are presently not standard(Rao par 2). The ‘Inventables service comprises of access to the firms online database as well as actual, physical models of selected specimens. This paper is going to analyze the Inventables Incorporation. Inventables provide firms with the technology and the materials to invent their own ideas. Having available materials and technology has rendered the innovation process for most companies easy and less costly. When the technology and materials are available, companies can try out different ideas to formulate new inventions or even improve on the available inventions thereby making them more effective and efficient (Rao par 3). Additionally, it saves companies the time they would have otherwise spent on searching the materials and the technology to create new inventions. Inventables launched an innovators hardware shop, which is a tailored collection of materials to democratize accessibility of these materials by interested clients (Rao par 3). The company has also created a website where its clients can access it and find out what is available and at the same time meets their needs. When companies have a production notion or even a production challenge or require a specialized material to afford a solution, they do not start from scratch. Instead, companies search the extensive variety of technologies and materials one of which could be the solution to their snag. The Inventables’ website is easily accessible, with a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate while searching for products (Rao par 4). Inventables has become very beneficial to small
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